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1st Degree Black Belt
My name is Amy Garland, I'm 15 and have been doing Taekwon-Do with Sam Donohoo since 2014, I'm a black belt. I started Taekwon-Do out of curiosity, to make new friends and to build my confidence. I now do Taekwon-Do to keep fit and stay in touch with the friends I've made. I want to keep learning and hope to gain my black belt soon.
From the instructor: Amy is a hard worker, always putting 100% into new patterns and techniques. Her confidence has grown massively as she has grown up which is shown through her friendship groups and her 'witty personality' in group activities. She was one of my original students when I started teaching in Stalbridge and i was very proud to see her achieve black belt status in 2021. I also think she would make a great instructor one day. Amy's Taekwon-Do journey has been tough but she has persevered and become stronger because of it.
1st Degree Black Belt
Hi! I'm Ella Nicoli-Horne. I became a black belt in May 2019 after four years of training with Mr Donohoo. Taekwon-Do came into my life when I was 15 and through my exams it was the best way to channel my energy and take a break from studying, helping me mentally and physically. I think the best way to describe my Taekwon-Do journey is through the tenet "Perseverance". Through the ups and downs I have faced whilst training and my journey to become black belt, I have never given up. Without Taekwon-Do in my life I don't think I'd be as confident or strong as I feel now. I always feel as though there is more to learn and i can set myself new goals every time I train.
From the Instructor: Ella is a great student and role model to her fellow students. She has grown up and matured with Taekwon-Do and keeps the tenets close to her. She has some impressive kicks (powerful and flexible) which were spotted at white belt when she first began training by her first instructor Andy Dobbs. She's a real character in class, sets high standards for herself and never fails to make a new friend in a new class.
1st Degree Black Belt
Hello! My name is Lauren Pitt, I am a 1st degree black belt which I earnt in November 2021. I have been doing Taekwon-do for almost 7 years and have been training with Sam Donohoo since September 2018. He is an amazing role model and has been a great support in helping me gain my black belt.
Taekwon-do plays a big part in my life and is something to focus on other than school. It is also a great way to keep in contact with friends and make new ones. I particularly enjoy sparring which has given me the opportunity to set goals of competing in competitions.
From the Instructor: Miss Pitt is very committed to the martial art. She attends everything she can and perseveres to be the very best version of herself. She is a very popular member of the group and makes friends wherever she goes. I'm extremely proud of all that she has achieved so far and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for her. No doubt she will gain her 2nd degree in the near future and keep competing at a high level.
5th Degree Head Instructor
I started my Taekwon-Do training on 15th October 2002 with my Dad and brother under the professional unification of martial arts (P.U.M.A) with Mr Les Stokes, who taught me up to black stripe 1st Kup. Master Robinson then took over and has taught me ever since. Master Robinson then left PUMA on August 1st 2008 to start Integrity Martial Arts with Master Malcolm Jones, so I followed my instructor and joined Integrity so that I could continue to train under her. It was with Integrity that I attained my Full Instructors Certificate, which meant that my Dad and I both taught classes within the group. On January 1st 2018, myself and Master Robinson then became head Instructors of our own Taekwon-Do groups called KR martial arts and SD martial arts. I have also attended seminars with the likes of Grandmaster Hwang Kwang Sung, First Grandmaster Rhee Ki Ha and Grandmaster Bhupinder Sahota, all of which I learnt a great deal from.
I have many people to thank for my Taekwon-Do journey. From influential instructors, family and students who have
helped me progress. It is because of the martial art that I am who I am today so I would highly recommend trying this or any martial art if you want to improve your confidence, learn how to better yourself and gain a huge amount of friends.
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